Thursday, April 2, 2009

Paradox Theory


PARADOX - (noun) an instance of a paradoxical phenomenon or reaction (no clear definition exists of paradox). My definition: Anything that counter-acts its basis of being, or a loop of logic that cannot exist in pieces, only as a whole.

Paradoxical concepts:


Reason: there is not beginning or end, everything was always here

Explanation: repetition


Reason: an increment of nothing

Explanation: exception of (a redundancy)


Reason: a noun which shows the lack of, thus meaning it is something, which is nothing

Explanation: perception (see Hypothesis 1 & 3)


Reason: creator of all, which means he created himself

Explanation: erroneous concept (beyond our perception aka inconclusive)


Reason: technically cannot have less than nothing

Explanation: 0 is a reference point, unless referring to natural numbers

-free will

Reason: defies all natural laws

Explanation: perception of meaning


Reason: all matter moves at different rates, and time is relative

Explanation: only a concept, but has no bearing to reality

Hypothesis 1:

- When traveling in a straight line, you will eventually return to beginning point, which means that the Universe loops, on a parallel. This means, while the same loop is repeated, the results can change, Depending on dependent and independent variables in the structure. While there is an appearance of nothing. Parallel structure may be represented not as parallel, but a series of waves or spirals. Possibly even loops inside of loops. All based on a relative perception.

Hypothesis 2:

- There is a flaw in the human concept of nothing. There is something in the nothing, but is perceived as nothing due to the fact that for something to exist, there is a polar opposite of it. Examples of this include dark energy and gravity. Thus meaning in the nothing, there is something, but on this Particular wave, it seems as nothing, but on that wave, there is something that perceives our something as nothing.

Hypothesis 3:

- Each parallel influences the other, without interacting with it, but at the same time in manipulation of said parallel.


- Human logic is restricted to the realm's logic (perception). You can only exist in one logic at a time.

Final result:

Reality is a paradox. Everything exists. Nothing exists.


Macro spec:

-The universe only has meaning to the observer, meaning its observation is relation to. In turn, without observation, there is no meaning of what is to be observed, while there is not meaning to have an observed without something to observe. Thus meaning, without the universe, we have no reason to exist, likewise, the universe has no meaning without the observers, respectively. This is where the logic loops. Defining this in the same method one would go about problem solving, there is a problem when without the whole, you do not get any results. To define everything to fullest of logic, it can be assumed that first, all logic is predefined, but with variables. Second, it can be assumed that there are variables, if all in this holds true. Third, at least one variable is a “constant” that is “random.” In other words, like when a computer program can define a “random number,” so can the world, which is what assumes to free will, and an inconsistency to the logic, while remaining as a pre-defined constant variable. Before moving on, to state clearly, universe is everything happening as a whole. This indicates that everything also includes nothing since nothing is a noun that is defined off the basis of something. Thus I use this statement to apply to every parallel that happens along with ours. While everything happens simultaneously, and affects the others, they do not directly influence, and do not have the same limitations as the other. This is why the observer does not perceive them, because the parallels are not processed on the same level as us, the observers. Simplified to, but not limited, there are other dimensions beyond our allotted perception.

Micro spec:

-Upon looking at a smaller level, while there are many examples, I am going to the smallest level of concept I can think of. The basis of matter. Some theories state that matter is made of pure energy. Then submitted that if this holds true, and energy can display matter like qualities, it can go the other way around. Thus, what is the defining point that differentiates matter from energy, if as stated holds true; they are one in the same. To answer the question, there is no difference, only the difference we place on it as an observer. All matter displays the same qualities of energy until we observe it. This means that we define what is. While this remains true, in the same turn, we cannot give meaning if it is not there, and also we are of the same consistency of our observed, respectively. The final result being that without the observed, the observer cannot exist, or have meaning, and vice versa.

(The information presented in here is a generalized hypothesis based off of an individual. There is no cited evidence in this text, and is merley expressed as an idea. If you agree with me, spread the word, and make sure to visit: )